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Tuesday, May 2, 2023

4 Important Lessons From the Book of Genesis


I found this really great article about the 4 Important Lessons from the Book of Genesis by Alex Lago on I really like it because it's easy to understand, biblically sound, and perfect for understanding what's going on in today's society. Let me know what you think below!

1. We are All Created In God’s Image

At the beginning of the world, God created heaven and Earth. God then created light and divided it into night and day. Throughout a series of six days, God went to make the firmament, waters, dry land, plants, animals, and finally, man.

2. We Are Inherent Sinners

As a result of original sin, all humans have the tendency to do evil. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God and listened to the serpent, it solidified our imperfect nature. Humans now know good and evil and we were sent out of the Garden of Eden and stripped of our immortality.

3. Trust God

Many generations after Noah, Abraham was born. Abraham heard a call from God to leave his country — Modern-day Iraq — and to go to a place where God would make a great nation for him — what is now Israel.

4. Don’t Lose Faith

There is another lesson about faith in the story of Abraham — but this time it is about his lack of faith.


There are many valuable stories in Genesis that many Christians may have forgotten. While on the surface some of these stories appear unfair, if they are analyzed, they reveal the same loving God of Jesus.

Instagram: l.a.seoulguy

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