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Thursday, January 10, 2019

Sermon: "Whose Likeness?" by Pastor Eddie Chun (January 6, 2019)

Mark 12:13-17

The Herodians (a liberal group and supporter of Rome) and the Pharisees (a conservative group) had always been enemies but they became strange bedfellows because they disliked someone more than they disliked each other (Jesus- verse 14). They flattered Jesus at first. They use some truth to lay the foundation for their trap against Jesus. They do this by asking a question about taxes.

If Jesus says you must pay taxes, they would upset the people because they especially hated this poll tax (a privilege for living in Rome). You had to pay a denarius (one day's pay for the whole year). This tax started in 6 A.D. There was a revolt by Julius of Galilee after the tax went into effect. And they hated the tax because Rome was on their land. The Jews weren't happy about it to say the least. Also the denarius was completely blasphemous. The titles "Son of God" and "high priest" were changed on the coin and used to lift up a Roman leader. The bottom line is that if Jesus says "yes", he supports Rome. If Jesus says you don't have to pay taxes, then he becomes an enemy of Rome.

Jesus saw straight through them. He asks "Why are you testing me?" He says "Render to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." Jesus lays a foundation of being a Christian and politics together. Jesus asked, "Whose likeness (image) is on this coin?" Notice that Jesus didn't use the word "pay". He said "render" (to pay back what is owed) to Caesar what is his. But he also said "and render to God what is God's."

What are things that we need to render to God? Ourselves. Humanity belongs to God because we are made in His image (Genesis 1:26). Jesus said to give back what belongs to Him. Maybe you might think that it's oppressive (give everything to God) or you might think this is glorious (all of your concerns are on Him).

To the Pharisees, this is crushing because they want to destroy Jesus. A rebellious and sinful heart says "My life belongs to me. Jesus shouldn't control me." This kind of heart will kill Jesus and reject Him. If you kill the Son, you will be destroyed.

But there's a second option. You can give Jesus what he deserves. Why is this glorious? We are nasty. God is owed and a perfect image bearer, but it's impossible since we all deserve death. Yet only through Jesus can we live a perfect, righteous life.

Colossians 1 tells us that all fullness was pleased to dwell in Jesus. Jesus came to live the life we were supposed to live but Jesus died the death we should have had. Jesus died so we can render to God what is rendered to Him. We become adopted into God's family. Our likeness is Jesus. Once we put our faith in Jesus, we are one with Him. His totally blameless life becomes our life.

When Jesus was seated at the right hand of God, we belong there too if we put our faith in Jesus. Sometimes we feel like failures, but God doesn't see us that way. He sees us the way He sees his Son. Yet we don't look like Jesus in the flesh, so we doubt.

John 8:36- "If the Son sets you free, you WILL be free indeed."

If you render him what is His, trust Him, and love him, you'll get true freedom in Christ. Render to God whatever is God's because you can do that now.

Scott Worden (The L.A./Seoul Guy)
Instagram: l.a.seoulguy

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