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Saturday, May 30, 2020

What I Have Learned About Marriage in my First 4 Years

My anniversary with my wife is in two months on July 2, 2020, which will make it our 4th wedding anniversary. Having someone to come home to is amazing, yet living with a woman 24 hours a day and seven days a week can cause stress between couples. It's normal, but I would never go back to being single. Marriage can be challenging, but mostly it's the best experience I've had in my life. I will tell you the top 10 things that I learned while being married from a Christian perspective.

1. Put the Lord first. When you seek God first, you don't get emotional. You think more logically. Also, I strongly suggest reading the Bible together or reading a Christian book together. We haven'd done that in awhile and I miss it. I take for granted that my wife is strong spiritually, but I need to get back on that. It's easy to get lazy in this area. Fight it and try to read together at least once a week.
2. Pick your battles. I'm a very sensitive person and my wife is not so sensitive. If I were to get annoyed because of every small detail where I felt she wasn't sensitive to my feelings, we would have some huge problems. Because I pick my battles, we get along pretty well.
3. Accept that your wife may know a lot more than you and even be smarter than you. This is one thing that is hard for me. She can cook better than me, clean better than me, and she can find the buses on an app much better than me. Sometimes it makes me feel inferior and less of a man. But I also realize that I have some strengths too such as being more patient, give good advice about people, and I am good at washing the dishes and taking the trash out. I may not be perfect at everything, but I do my best at supporting my wife as much as possible.
4. Always tell your wife you love her. This is huge and because she knows that I love her, she brags to her friends how much I love her and she feels secure. Never go a day without telling her how much you love her.
5. During those moments of the month when a woman doesn't feel so good (you know what I'm getting at), give your wife space or be extra patient. Don't take things personally. Just do more to make her feel special. If she needs her space, tell her you will go to a cafe so that she can get some rest. She will appreciate you for thinking about her needs.
6. Put your wife about your friends. The more that she knows that you love her and will give your undivided attention, the more that she will trust you and give you more free time with your friends.
7. When you are out with your friends and you're going to be late, text her and let her know when you're coming home. Don't make a habit of getting home late when you're out with friends, but things happen. And when they do, let your wife know. She will love you for it.
8. Before you go to bed at night, make sure you giver her enough time to cuddle. Put your phone down and give her that extra time for her to know that you love her. It makes a big difference.
9. If your wife likes a certain place where your wet towel goes, put it where she wants it. If she wants you to wipe the table before you set it, do it. If she wants you to put your books or clothes in a certain area, do it. Don't sweat the small stuff. Your wife will respect you for it.
10. Take initiative to make the bed, take out the trash, or do your chores that you agree to do often. When you take the initiative, your wife will realize how much you care about her.

Scott Worden (The L.A./Seoul Guy)
Instagram: l.a.seoulguy

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