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Saturday, November 27, 2021

Be A Rock For Jesus! (Matthew 26:69-75)

Sermon: November 29, 2021

On the license plate frame of my car I have the saying "Smile, Jesus Loves You." Now, most of the time I'm a patient driver and I follow the traffic laws. However, I do occasionally get really annoyed and upset if I am driving behind a really slow driver as I'm trying to get to work on time. Then when I arrive at work 15 minutes early, I think to myself, "Why did I get upset?"

Not only am I setting a bad example as a Christian with that frame on my car, I'm also showing the Lord that I can't handle small inconveniences in life, which is bad if I'm supposed to become a missionary in the future!

Well today, I'm going to tell you how every Christian can become a ROCK for Jesus by avoiding THREE pitfalls.

In your Bibles, please turn to Matthew 26:69-75. Once again, Matthew 26:69-75.

This is a very well-known story of how Peter denied Jesus after Jesus had predicted it beforehand. This was the same night as the Last Supper and Jesus was arrested just before Peter denied him.

What's the first pitfall we do as Christians that caused Peter to deny Jesus?

1. We act impulsively and don't think before we act. Peter is well known for acting before thinking and also not praying before making wise decisions. Just prior to this, a high priest by the name of Malchus came to arrest Jesus. Jesus even refers to the man as "friend", so Jesus was calm despite the circumstances. What did Peter do? He took out his sword and cut the man's ear off. Jesus heals the ear of the high priest and tells Peter in the book of John, "Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?" Jesus was following the will of the Father, but Peter didn't realize it because he acted impulsively and didn't understand the bigger plan. He also thought impulsively when he denied Jesus. He didn't think or pray about what he should do.

- In my past relationships, I rarely prayed about how to handle conflicts with girlfriends and if we argued, I would just give up. I'm still a person that hates confrontations and arguing especially if it's over petty things. I'm thankful to the Lord that He matured me, or I would be an easy candidate for divorce especially with divorce so rampant in my family.

- When I lived in South Korea, I lived in a smaller town in my first year and I was so desperate to get out of that smaller town to move to the capital of Korea (Seoul). What did I do? I took the first job opportunity that came my way and it was one of the worst jobs I had ever had. I worked at two different schools, had 6 classes a day with no breaks, the books were bad, and the school was disorganized. I was miserable. But why did I go through all of that? I didn't pray before taking the job and made a quick decision with my own effort.

When was the last time you were in a desperate situation but acted impulsively without taking it to God first?

What's the second pitfall we do that caused Peter to deny Jesus?

2. We underestimate our weaknesses. Earlier that night, Jesus asked his disciples to pray for him in the Garden of Gethsemane. He knew the hour was coming for Him to die on the cross and while Jesus was praying to the Father, He expected his disciples to pray for Him. Going back to verse 40 it says, "Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. 'Couldn't you men keep watch with me for one hour?" Who was he talking to? PETER. He continues. "Watch and pray that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." Peter underestimated his weakness and we all do that sometimes.

- Maybe you think you're a forgiving person, but maybe there's that one coworker or family member that you just can't forgive because you don't think they're worthy of it.

- It could be anger. Just as I have occasional road rage, how easily do you get upset over trivial things or how often do you get upset with your spouses when you're annoyed over something small?

We all have a weakness that we underestimate. What do you think is yours?

What's the third pitfall that caused Peter to deny Jesus?

3. We give into our fears. Not only did Peter deny Jesus three times, but each denial got stronger and stronger. Why? He knew Jesus was in trouble and he had a fear of getting arrested and being put into prison for knowing who Jesus was.

How do we give into our fears?

- We might have fear of failure. This is true for me. I want to do well in my Hebrew and Greek classes in seminary. I have fear that I won't be able to get past them!

- We might have a fear of the future. After attending the missionary conference, I immediately started wondering if I could handle being a missionary in the future!

What is one thing you're worried about in your own life because you're trying to manage it on your own strength and not giving it to the Lord?

But let me give you some hope. In Matthew 26, we see Peter denying Jesus, but what did Jesus say to Peter in 10 chapters before this in Matthew 16? He said, "And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this ROCK, I will build my church and the gates of Hades will not overcome it." At this point, Jesus knew Peter would deny Him three times, yet he makes this bold statement knowing that Peter would be the pillar for the church. Why? Because He knew Peter had a repentant heart and would come back to Him.

So for us to be a ROCK for Jesus, let's #1- Pray before we make an important decision. #2- Humble ourselves and not overestimate our weaknesses. and #3- Not give into our fears.

I know many of us are going through some difficult circumstances in our lives. My challenge for you today is to think of something that is really worrying you and put it into the hands of the Lord. He understands what you're going through, He loves you, and He wants you to surrender that fear and worry to Him.

Eunhee and I are moving to Ontario, California (not Canada) in a couple of weeks. We're excited, but concerned because it's another transition moment in our lives. Just as I challenge you to surrender your fears and worries to Him, we must also do the same. We're all in the same boat together!

Scott Worden

Instagram: l.a.seoulguy

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